Friday, December 5, 2014

Story Starter - Week Nineteen

This week’s story starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below. What story do you think this picture is telling? Or is there another story that this picture is hiding or disguising? How do you think the character came to this point? How will things progress from the point of events shown in this picture? Your story can include an idea inspired by the caption within the picture or you can completely ignore the caption and let the picture itself be your inspiration.

art by Robert Fyfe
As always, I love to read what you are writing, so please copy and paste your story or poem into the comments, if you would like to share.

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Friday, November 28, 2014

Story Starter - Week Eighteen

This week's Story Starter is a small beginning to a story. Write a story or poem inspired by the paragraphs below. You can use the "beginning" anywhere in your story; it doesn't just have to start your story. Or you can just use it to inspire a completely different story having nothing to do with the sentences below.
The four of them surrounded him. Their fists were clenched and raised, and Cameron could feel their anger at him. He'd wanted, just once, to be part of the popular crowd. He's mistaken their teasing for friendship, and his words hadn't been chosen as carefully as they should have been. How was he supposed to know that they'd be offended when he called them brutes? He thought they liked being known for their strength and size. But when they heard him use the word "brutes," they heard "big and dumb." 
He should have known better than to think that he could tease back and make it work for him. He'd always been awkward. He always said the wrong thing. And now, he was about to be crushed by four angry brutes. He couldn't see any way out, but there had to be some way to escape the pain that was coming his way.
As always, I love to read what you are writing, so please copy and paste your story or poem into the comments, if you would like to share.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Story Starter - Week Seventeen

This week’s story starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below. What story do you think this picture is telling? Or is there another story that this picture is hiding or disguising? How do you think the character came to this point? How will things progress from the point of events shown in this picture? Your story can include an idea inspired by the caption within the picture or you can completely ignore the caption and let the picture itself be your inspiration.

Picture by Robert Fyfe at

As always, I love to read what you are writing, so please copy and paste your story or poem into the comments, if you would like to share.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Story Starter - Week Sixteen

This week's Story Starter is a sentence. Write a story or poem inspired by the sentence below. You can use the sentence anywhere in your story. Or you can just use it to inspire a completely different story that doesn't use the sentence below.

The cat just stared at me from my porch, not letting me past.

As always, I love to read what you are writing, so please copy and paste your story or poem into the comments, if you would like to share.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Story Starter - Week Fifteen

This week's Story Starter is a small beginning to a story. Write a story or poem inspired by the paragraphs below. You can use the "beginning" anywhere in your story; it doesn't just have to start your story. Or you can just use it to inspire a completely different story having nothing to do with the sentences below.

The moon's light glinted off the tombstones, surrounding the cemetery in an iridescent light. Tammy didn't think it was a good idea to come to the cemetery; she'd only come along at the insistence of her friends. They thought it would be fun to see who was brave enough to stay in the cemetery the longest. 
But then Tammy saw the grey-colored hand, with torn and eaten-away flesh, start to push its way up out of the ground. 

As always, I love to read what you are writing, so please copy and paste your story or poem into the comments, if you would like to share.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Story Starter - Week Fourteen

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

by Rebecca Fyfe of Fairy Magic Photos
As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Story Starter - Week Thirteen

This week's Story Starter is a small beginning to a story. Write a story or poem inspired by the paragraphs below. You can use the "beginning" anywhere in your story; it doesn't just have to start your story. Or you can just use it to inspire a completely different story having nothing to do with the sentences below.

David took the bandage off his wrist. The skin underneath was still red and angry looking. A beautiful mermaid, in full color looked back at him from the lines of the tattoo. 
'"David, we have work to do. You need to do exactly as I say." 
The female voice appeared to be coming from his new tattoo, but that was crazy. Right?

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Story Starter - Week Twelve

This week's Story Starter is a small paragraph. Write a story or poem inspired by the paragraph below. The paragraph can begin your story, end your story or be found anywhere within your story, or you can just use it to inspire a completely different story having nothing to do with the sentence.

"Camryn woke up from the strangest dream and immediately felt that something had changed. Her body felt different, stronger. And she felt a faint tingling, like a mild electrical current, just under the surface of her skin."

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Story Starter - Week Eleven

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

photo by Rebecca Fyfe
As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Story Starter - Week Ten

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

art by Rebecca Fyfe of Melusine Muse Press
As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Story Starter - Week Nine

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

photo by Rebecca Fyfe at Melusine Muse Press
As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Story Starter - Week Eight

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Story Starter - Week Seven

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

photography by Rebecca Fyfe at Fyfe Photography

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Story Starter - Week Six

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

"Cemetery Angel" by Rebecca Fyfe

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Story Starter - Week Five

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

art by Robert Fyfe

Friday, August 22, 2014

Story Starters - Week Four

 This week's Story Starter is a two-sentence beginning to a story, which can be found below.

The mirror in front of me shimmered and blurred, and in the glass, I could see a different room. I reached my hand out to the surface of the mirror and my hand went right through it.

As always, I would love to read the short story you write based on these lines, so feel free to share your story in the comments below.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Story Starter - Week Three

This week's Story Starter is a picture. Write a story or poem inspired by the picture below.

As always, I would love to read what you write, so please copy and paste what you've written into the comments, if you feel like doing so.

by Robert Fyfe

Friday, August 8, 2014

Story Starter - Week Two

This week's story starter is a choice between two pictures. You may write a story or poem inspired by either one. 

I would love to read what you write from this week's Story Starter in the comments, so feel free to paste into the comments!

by Robert Fyfe
by Rebecca Fyfe

Story Starter - Week One

Today marks the first Story Starter post. Story Starters will be posted on Friday every week and will either contain photos or a first sentence, or even a first paragraph, to help inspire new stories. The point of the Story Starters is to get you writing. If you haven't written anything all week, use the story starters to make sure you write something every week. The best way to become a proficient story-teller is to write as many stories as you are able to write. The more you write, the better your writing will become.

With a photo or drawing, you are to look at the picture and see what ideas it inspires in you; then write your story. The same goes for the Story Starters that give you a sentence or a paragraph to start you off. With a paragraph, you are to use it to start your story, but with a sentence, you are to use it either to start your story or to add it in anywhere in the story.

This week's Story Starter is a sentence:

While everyone else was busy arguing about the accident, Shane's gaze was riveted on the dark bulge that slithered in and out of view under the injured victim's skin.

(Feel free to add your stories in the comments below.)